
Congrats Livemocha for the award by Time!

Congratulations Livemocha for being selected as one of the Best 50 websites 2010 by Time! Although you are still unknown to most of Japanese for the time being, I believe you have good chance to develop your business here in Japan very soon. Please fix all the mistakes in the lessons and typos in the screens before a bunch of Japanese visit you :-)


世界最大の言語交換コミュニティ「Livemocha」が、Time誌の選ぶ2010年ベスト50ウェブサイトの一つに選ばれました。おめでとう、Livemocha! 日本での知名度はまだまだですが、きっとこっちでも成功しますよ。大勢の日本人が来る前に、ぜひレッスンの間違いとスクリーンの誤字を直しておいてくださいね^^

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